Yael Feder is a social worker, writer, actress, director, and composer whose formative My Body Belongs to Me children’s programming of theater shows, movies, books, and lectures for parents and educators has been praised worldwide in the child safety arena. Published by Schocken Publishing House, her four-book children’s collection, Big Concepts for Little Ones, provides tools for families and educators of young children to open a dialogue on topics of body privacy and other important life issues.
A nationally bestselling author from Israel, Feder’s programming has reached more than one million children all over the world and is highly recommended by the Israeli Department of Education. The programming and her mission, to raise awareness about child sexual abuse prevention, is extended to her four-book series for kids which provides a language for parents and educational staff members to use with children when dealing with safeguarding issues. Through this, children are empowered with the knowledge and tools that will help protect them.

In The Safety Book: Strangers and Dangers, readers are introduced to the concept of physical limits and how to differentiate strangers from other daily encounters. Through entertaining storytelling, children are empowered with knowledge and skills to understand and realize inappropriateness and danger with regard to their personal safety.
My Private Parts Belong to Me is a wonderful tool to start a conversation with young children without awkwardness or fear. It explains our bodies, body privacy, and the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching from an adult, employing a fun storytelling format that isn’t scary.

In I’ve Got a Secret young readers learn that some kinds of secrets are okay to keep but some secrets can be bad, or even dangerous. Children learn the difference and how to seek help from an adult such as a parent or teacher.
In Born to Love, young readers learn that there are all types of families—two dads, two moms, mom and dad, single parent. The book gently introduces the biology of how a baby is conceived and born is shared through age-appropriate storytelling, as well as more complex issues such as surrogacy and sperm bank.
If you would like more information about author Yael Feder and her Big Concepts for Little Ones series, please contact yael_h@haaretz.co.il or visit Publisher website: https://www.schocken.co.il/
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